issue splash screen linux

The text displayed before the login prompt is stored in /etc/issue (there’s a related file, /etc/motd, that’s displayed after the user logs in, before their shell is started). It’s just a normal text file, but it accepts a bunch of escape sequences:

\b — Baudrate of the current line.
\d — Current date.
\s — System name, the name of the operating system.
\l — Name of the current tty line.
\m — Architecture identifier of the machine, eg. i486
\n — Nodename of the machine, also known as the hostname.
\o — Domainname of the machine.
\r — Release number of the OS, eg. 1.1.9.
\t — Current time.
\u — Number of current users logged in.
\U — The string “1 user” or ” users” where is the number of current users logged in.
\v — Version of the OS, eg. the build-date etc.

My IP address: \4 #funziona

ifconfig eth0 | awk '/inet addr/ {print $2}' | cut -f2 -d: > /etc/issue   non va

Find and tar Files

Preso da

2.1. Using Command Substitution
First, let’s consider the simplest possible solution, which uses command substitution to execute our find and supply its output to tar:

$ tar -czf archive.tar.gz `find . -type f`

Although this is a pretty straightforward approach, this command doesn’t handle files with spaces in the name. Suppose our find command returns a file named “hello world.txt” in its output. Since find doesn’t add quotes around the filenames or escape whitespace characters within filenames in its output, the tar command will see this as two file arguments: hello and world.txt. Therefore, it won’t add the file to our archive.

2.2. Using xargs
Another easy option would be using xargs to convert the find output to a tar argument:

$ find . -type f | xargs tar -czf archive.tar.gz

Unluckily, this has the same shortcoming as the previous one since spaces are the default delimiter that xargs uses to split arguments. However, this time we can easily fix it by changing the delimiter to another character with the -d option:

$ find . -type f | xargs -d “\n” tar -czf archive.tar.gz

2.3. Using find -print0
Although our last example works, it’s usually a better practice to use a null character separator to avoid unexpected results. This can be easily achieved using find -print0, which replaces the default separator with null. We’ll also use tar –null to split files with this character instead of a newline:

$ find . -type f -print0 | tar -czf archive.tar.gz –null -T –

One thing to keep in mind, though, is that -print0 applies only to the last condition, so, if we have more than one, we need to wrap them with parentheses:

$ find . \( -type f -o -name ‘*.c’ \) -print0 | tar -czf archive.tar.gz –null -T –

Note that here we’re using tar -T – to compress the files listed in stdin instead of the xargs equivalent.

2.4. Using a File
The next approach we’re going to consider involves using an intermediate file to store find output and then use the same file as an input for tar. This solution comes in handy if we want to keep track of the files we’re compressing for logs or further processing:

$ find . -type f > archiveFileList && tar -czf archive.tar.gz -T archiveFileList

2.5. Using find -exec
Lastly, let’s consider a slightly different scenario in which we want to create multiple archives, one for each file found. In order to do that, we can use find -exec, which will run a given command per matched file. Furthermore, we can use the current file name by referencing it with a pair of curly braces:

$ find . -type f -exec tar -czf {}.tar.gz {} \;

Gmail filter

How to use a search operator

  1. Go to Gmail.
  2. In the search box, type the search operator.

Search operators you can use

Tip: Once you do a search using search operators, you can use the results to set up a filter for these messages.

What you can search bySearch operator & example
Specify the senderfrom:Example: from:amy
Specify a recipientto:Example: to:david
Specify a recipient who received a copycc:bcc:Example: cc:david
Words in the subject linesubject:Example: subject:dinner
Messages that match multiple termsOR or { }Example: from:amy OR from:davidExample: {from:amy from:david}
Remove messages from your results-Example: dinner -movie
Find messages with words near each other. Use the number to say how many words apart the words can beAdd quotes to find messages in which the word you put first stays first.AROUNDExample: holiday AROUND 10 vacationExample: "secret AROUND 25 birthday"
Messages that have a certain labellabel:Example: label:friends
Messages that have an attachmenthas:attachmentExample: has:attachment
Messages that have a Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, or Slides attachment or linkhas:drivehas:documenthas:spreadsheethas:presentationExample: has:drive
Messages that have a YouTube videohas:youtubeExample: has:youtube
Messages from a mailing listlist:Example: list:[email protected]
Attachments with a certain name or file typefilename:Example: filename:pdfExample: filename:homework.txt
Search for an exact word or phrase" "Example: "dinner and movie tonight"
Group multiple search terms together( )Example: subject:(dinner movie)
Messages in any folder, including Spam and Trashin:anywhereExample: in:anywhere movie
Search for messages that are marked as importantis:importantlabel:importantExample: is:important 
Starred, snoozed, unread, or read messagesis:starredis:snoozedis:unreadis:readExample: is:read is:starred
Messages that include an icon of a certain colorhas:yellow-starhas:blue-infoExample: has:purple-star
Recipients in the cc or bcc fieldcc:bcc:Example: cc:davidNote: You can’t find messages that you received on bcc.
Search for messages sent during a certain time periodafter:before:older:newer:Example: after:2004/04/16Example: after:04/16/2004Example: before:2004/04/18Example: before:04/18/2004
Search for messages older or newer than a time period using d (day), m (month), and y (year)older_than:newer_than:Example: newer_than:2d
Chat messagesis:chatExample: is:chat movie
Search by email for delivered messagesdeliveredto:Example: deliveredto:[email protected]
Messages in a certain categorycategory:primary
Example: category:updates
Messages larger than a certain size in bytessize:Example: size:1000000
Messages larger or smaller than a certain size in byteslarger:smaller:Example: larger:10M
Results that match a word exactly+Example: +unicorn
Messages with a certain message-id headerRfc822msgid:Example: rfc822msgid:[email protected]
Messages that have or don’t have a labelhas:userlabelshas:nouserlabelsExample: has:nouserlabelsNote: Labels are only added to a message, and not an entire conversation.

Thunderbird – Rebuilding the Global Database

Rebuilding the Global Database

The Global Database (“Gloda” for short) is an indexing system that enables Thunderbird to search messages. Rebuilding the Global Database re-indexes messages and address book cards. (Newsgroup messages are not indexed.)

Reasons for rebuilding the Global Database include:

  • The database may have been corrupted.
  • The search index may not be functioning correctly (such as displaying blank results, performing poorly).
  • The database is too big and needs to be reduced in size.
    Rebuilding the database will not automatically reduce the size of the index. The database will only shrink if there are fewer messages to index since the index was last updated – which can be accomplished by deleting messages, or disabling message sync for an account or folder.
  • The Global Database file becomes fragmented, which reduces index performance.

Steps to Rebuild the Global Database

  1. Quit Thunderbird.
  2. Locate the global-messages-db.sqlite file in your Thunderbird Profile.
  3. Delete the global-messages-db.sqlite file.
  4. Start Thunderbird. The re-indexing process will start automatically. Depending on the number of messages, it might take some time for the indexing to complete. You can continue to use Thunderbird, but performance might be affected and search will return only partial results or even no results until the indexing is complete. The indexing progress can be monitored through the Tools > Activity Manager menu.

See Also

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Configurazione monitor non riconosciuto su linux

Hai linux?
Hai collegato un TV lcd o un monitor che non viene riconosciuto e vedi le icone cosi grosse che le puoi toccare?
Niente paura! E’ linux! 4 comandi ben assestati e si risolve tutto!
Prima di tutto, serve avere esattamente la stringa di configurazione per una data risoluzione e refresh. 

Va studiata la sintassi? Ma nooo! Si usa cvt (“man cvt” per RTFM).
Ad esempio per un TV full HD 1920X1080 a 60Hz.

diego@lenovo:~$ cvt 1920 1080 60
# 1920x1080 59.96 Hz (CVT 2.07M9) hsync: 67.16 kHz; pclk: 173.00 MHz
Modeline "1920x1080_60.00" 173.00 1920 2048 2248 2576 1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync

Ma nel mio caso non funzionava bene, meglio questa:

diego@lenovo:~$ cvt -r 1920 1080 60
# 1920x1080 59.93 Hz (CVT 2.07M9-R) hsync: 66.59 kHz; pclk: 138.50 MHz
Modeline "1920x1080R" 138.50 1920 1968 2000 2080 1080 1083 1088 1111 +hsync -vsync

Poi va aggiunto il valore con sudo in questo modo (copia incolla da dopo “Modeline” in avanti):

diego@lenovo:~$ sudo xrandr --newmode "1920x1080R" 138.50 1920 1968 2000 2080 1080 1083 1088 1111 +hsync -vsync

Infine abilitato sull’uscita, nel mio caso VGA-1:

diego@lenovo:~$ sudo xrandr --addmode VGA-1 "1920x1080R"

A quel punto nel menu a tendina di configurazione è possibile selezionare la modalità indicata


Installazione AWS CLI senza modifiche al sistema

Per utilizzare AWS CLI su macchina linux bastano questi semplici comandi (in presenza dei prerequisiti naturalmente):

mkdir bin
cd bin/
curl "" -o ""
cd awscli-bundle/
./install -b ~/bin/aws
~/bin/aws --version



Su macchine legacy:

mkdir aws
cd aws/
curl "" -o ""
cd awscli-bundle/
./install -b ~/aws/aws
~/aws/aws --version